
Visiting the Court

Students of class 4s visited the Court of Appeal in Krakow. Each student was screened upon entering the courthouse. Then, in the courtroom, the students actively participated in the simulation of a criminal trial. Finally, we visited the President of the Court of Appeal in Krakow. Our students made a great impression with their erudition […]

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This is the end… of school ceremony

26 April was a very important date for our high school community. On that day, class 4s officially ended their school adventure. The meeting took place in the conference room and was full of gratitude, memories and emotions However, this year’s high school graduates continue to be regular visitors to the school as they are […]

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Earth Day

During the week preceding Earth Day, preschoolers in each group wondered why it is worth helping our planet and how we can do it During this time, children also learned the rules that should be followed to protect the natural environment, learned how to properly segregate garbage, made art works and they learned the difficult […]

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🌸 Easter workshops 🐣

Funny Frogs an Bright Butterfies groups had fun at Easter workshop! They got their hands dirty planting flowers in pots and decorating them with all the charm of the Easter season! From fluffy bunnies to colorful eggs, each pot is a masterpiece of Easter joy!  

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History lecture

Last week our students had an amazing opportunity to participate in a lecture given by dr Anna Frątczak who is currently working on her book on Jewish people from Łódź. The lecutre was on Jewish getto in the times of Holocaust. We believe that lectures like that are a great way to learn more about […]

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Science experiments in Grade 5 🔬

On Thursday 5c students presented their science experiments to their classmates. The class enjoyed a live presentation of Pharaoh’s snakes and discussed the experiment  

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Model United Nations 🌍

Last week our school was invited to participate in the Model United Nations simulation, which will be organized by Embassy International School. MUN is a simulation of the United Nations, an international organization that solves global problems related to human development and welfare 🌐 The participants’ task is to play the roles of representatives of […]

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🍭 CIS Chocolate Factory 🍫

Our 1st graders didn’t need no golden ticket to get into the Chocolate Factory! The students took part in a chocolate making workshop, where each of them designed their own sweet creations! What a delicious trip

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We are 3D printing!

Let’s print it out… in 3D! Today during IT lessons, class 4c designed custom keychains using the 3D printing programme! At the end, we printed out a CIS keychain! How cool is that?  

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🌠 Journey through space 🚀

Funny Frogs group visited the Planetarium in Niepołomice and embarked on a true cosmic adventure! The children had the opportunity to examine a powerful telescope, and the rotating dome of the observatory made it easier for them to unravel the mysteries of the sky. After their cosmic journey, Funny Frogs took a short stroll to […]

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