Polish Maturity Exam

The Polish Matura exam is organized by the Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna (in cooperation with OKE) for high school graduates. A student takes the exam at the school he or she attended. In order to be eligible to take the matura exam, it is necessary to obtain positive grades in all subjects stipulated in the framework educational plan and the core curriculum of general education – in each class of high school.   

The results of the exam are taken into account in the recruitment procedure for universities and colleges in Poland. High scores on the Polish Matura exam also allow recruitment to some higher education institutions outside Poland – under separate recruitment conditions.   

At Cracow International School, a student declares at the end of high school class 1 which exams he plans to take at the extended level – by submitting the appropriate subject selection form. The exam subjects chosen by the student are taken in Polish.