General info

English-speaking Cracow International School kindergarten provides education for children between the ages of 2.5 and 6. Every day they spend time in a multicultural environment, playing and working with their peers from all over the world. It helps them to enhance social skills and acquire communication skills. During educational classes our students develop the ability to cooperate. This is possible thanks to group work and inquiry-based learning implemented by means of interdisciplinary projects. Classes are based on the innate cognitive curiosity of children, active methods, learning through experience, thematic workshops with experts, as well as educational trips. In their daily work, teachers implement specially designed didactic and educational programmes, following the achievements of contemporary pedagogical thought. In the free time, our youngest pupils have at their disposal rooms equipped with modern educational aids, as well as a spacious garden with a safe playground where they not only play and relax, but also spend valuable time surrounded by nature.