
At Cracow International School, we focus on well-balanced development of our students. We want them to have both time for learning and for playing freely, which is very important at preschool age. It is also an invaluable time with regards to language immersion – when children interact with their teacher in English in natural situations, they acquire new vocabulary and understanding of the language at the same time.

Preschoolers from younger groups have classes in English and Polish once a day. In addition, each week they take part in Rhythmics classes and Gymnastics. All classes in these groups last about 30 minutes so that children can maintain concentration and participate in them in the most effective way.

Grade 0 students, who are preparing to start school in the next session, take English classes twice a day, during which they study the Cambridge Primary curriculum. Once a day, they participate in Polish language classes, in accordance with the Polish core curriculum. Rhythmics and Gymnastics take place once a week. In this age group, the majority of classes last 45 minutes.

Children go outside everyday to play in the large park surrounding the kindergarten, or to the playground. During play time, non-compulsory extracurricular activities take place, in line with parents’ preferences.