Cambridge Programme

Cracow International School follows Cambridge Primary programme, addressed to children between the age of 5 and 11. Cambridge Primary offers international education developing students’ overall skills, as well as enhancing their knowledge in the fields of English, Maths and Science. These subjects are taught fully in English. Cambridge Primary is fit to be implemented in bilingual and English-only schools. It is also compatibile with national curriculums of the countries in which it is implemented.

Cambridge Programmes are divided into stages. Numbers of stages do not correspond to grade numbers, therefore we encourage you to have a look at the table below which presents how Polish grade numbers and Cambridge stages and programmes are correlated.

Age Grade in Polish system
of education
Cabridge Stage Programme
3-4 Kindergarten
5-6 Grade 0 1 Cambridge Primary
6-7 1 2
7-8 2 3
8-9 3 4
9-10 4 5
10-11 5 6
11-12 6 7 Cambridge Lower Secondary
12-13 7 8
13-14 8 9
14-15 g1 high school 10 Cambridge Advanced
(A levels)
15-16 g2 high school 11
16-17 g3 high school 12
17-18 g4 high school 13

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