
All educational classes at the Cracow International School are conducted in English with the exception of Polish Education (classes I-III) / Polish Language (classes IV-VIII) and content related to the history and geography of Poland (MEN requirements). In practice, this means that students, for example, solve math problems in English, create a description of the experiment in this language or discuss in English elements of their art. Therefore, at the same time, students fulfill not only the curriculum content related to a given subject but also improve their language competence. Students of bilingual primary school of Cracow International School learn English intensively in the most effective way – through natural situational contexts (language immersion). In an international school environment, they have constant contact with students and teachers who speak English – they listen to a foreign language, acquire and strengthen new vocabulary, learn to actively use the language in real contexts. The need to communicate with a teacher or a colleague who does not speak the students’ native language makes them break the language barrier very quickly and begin to communicate freely in English. Non-Polish speaking students learn Polish by language immersion, too, and additionally they attend Polish as a foreign language classes. Thanks to this solution, every student of the bilingual primary school of Cracow International School – regardless of the mother tongue they use – can fully participate in educational activities and the life of the school community.

Cambridge International Exams not directly related with Cambridge Primary

Young Learners English is a series of three tests of different difficulty level (Starters, Movers, Flyers). They are specially designed for early years students. They check students’ knowledge and skills through fun. Each test consists of three parts: listening, reading and writing, and speaking. The higher the difficulty level, the longer each part is. Young Learners English verifies knowledge of vocabulary from a specially designed word list, checks understanding of short texts, speaking skills, spelling and simple grammatical tenses.

Cambridge Primary Key for Schools (KET) is an exam that follows Young Learners English. Tasks are at A2 level, according to Common European Framework of Reference. The Exam verifies understanding of commonly used words and phrases, reading skills within reading short and simple texts, ability to introduce oneself and describe the closest surrounding, as well as the ability to participate in a conversation in English concerning everyday simple topics that are known to students.

Cambridge Preliminary for Schools (PET) is an exam that follows KET. It focuses on such skills in English as: understanding instructions and announcements, expressing simple opinions on abstract or culture-based topic, understanding routine information and articles, writing notes or letters concerning known or predictable topics. Students receive a certificate which is approved by major educational institutions and companies all over the world. Along with Common European Framework of Reference, the exam is on B1 level. The exam is divided into three parts: reading and writing (90 minutes), listening (30 minutes), and speaking (10-12 minutes). The result is the average of points scored in each of the parts.